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Enhancing Spotify's User Engagement
Through Social Features


UX/UI Designer  ·  Feature  ·  80 hours  ·  July 2023

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This Spotify case study traces a social feature's evolution into a concert discovery tool. It aimed to enhance user engagement, pivoting to seamless artist concert discovery for a bridge between social engagement and real-world experiences.


How might we assist users in staying updated with all the latest artist news?

Our initial challenge: integrating social features into Spotify to connect users through music interests. As we shifted to concert discovery, our focus turned to an intuitive way for users to find, track, and attend concerts based on music preferences and social interactions.


Our design journey shifted to crafting a concert discovery tool, bridging digital music streaming and live performances. User-centered methods helped us create an easy way to explore favorite artists' concert info.


Research Data
User Interviews
Competitive Analysis


Affinity Map
User Personas


Task flows
Pattern Research


Lo-Fi Wireframes



Usability Testing

Prioritization Matrix



Pivot decision

The project began by exploring user preferences for music-related social interactions. User interviews and data analysis revealed a shift toward concert discovery as a more promising direction, prompting a strategic project focus pivot.

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Original Competitive Research


We conducted 3 interviews lasting 30-45 mins each, exploring user sentiments about a social feature for artist connection. Additionally, a survey engaged 26 users. Results revealed limited interest in closer artist contact. Interviews uncovered user needs, particularly their struggle to stay updated on artist info and tour dates.

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Example of questions asked


Shifting focus

In this phase, insights from user interviews highlighted the necessity to shift our project's trajectory. Clear findings emphasized the need to reimagine our approach for a more resonant and impactful experience.

Common themes

Desire for Centralized Information

Users strongly expressed the need for a unified platform offering comprehensive artist information, including updates, events, merchandise, and social media content.

Convenience and Efficiency

Fans highly value convenience and efficiency when staying connected with artists. They seek a one-stop platform to eliminate the hassle of checking multiple sources.

Streamlined Fan Experience

A centralized hub would improve the fan experience by saving time and effort. Users have to navigate multiple channels for artist-related information, which they find cumbersome.

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Sarah · The Clueless Groupie

Sarah, a devoted music enthusiast, passionately supports emerging artists. However, she sometimes misses their concerts despite active Spotify use. Her dedication to helping small talents and seeking exclusives remains strong.

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David · The Concert Collector

David, a devoted music explorer, depends on social networks like Instagram and Twitter for artist updates, particularly concerts. He values seamless access to artist info and prioritizes staying well-informed about shows. While VIP access intrigues him, his main goal is to never miss upcoming events.


Mapping Pathways

In the ideation phase, we used insights from research and personas to explore creative solutions for identified challenges. Task flows and pattern research were crucial in shaping user-centric solutions aligned with our project's objectives.

User Tasks
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Pattern Research
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Concept into Action

In the prototype phase, we turned our ideation into tangible concepts using methods like Lo-Fi wireframing, wireframing, and prototyping. This transformed ideas into interactive designs, helping visualize user journeys and enhance the app's interface for better engagement.

Lo-Fi Wireframes
Hi-Fi Wireframes
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Feature to the test

During testing, we rigorously evaluated prototypes for user-friendliness and effectiveness. We used methods like usability testing, prioritization matrices, and iteration to gather valuable user feedback. This iterative approach led to an optimized, user-centric solution.

User Testing

We tested the concept with 3 on-site users and 7 online users, gaining valuable insights to inform our iterative process based on a prioritization matrix.

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The Results

Our shift from a social project to a concert tool aced usability tests. Users loved easily finding concert info in Spotify, bridging music discovery with real-world events. This pivot shows our adaptability, innovation, and a holistic music experience beyond streaming.

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