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Enhancing the Prado Museum Experience Through Personalized Art Exploration

El Prado

UX/UI Designer  ·  End-to-end app  ·  80 hours  ·  July 2023

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El Prado app revolutionized Prado Museum visits, offering seamless navigation, personalized tours, and historical insights. Users loved its user-friendly interface, thematic tours, and enhanced art appreciation.


How can we enhance the museum experience for visitors with diverse preferences and requirements, ensuring their visits are both efficient and satisfying?

In just 80 hours, we had to bring the project to life, so we made it a priority to focus on the most essential features. Dealing with a diverse audience presented a user experience challenge, but we needed to create an app that could meet the needs of everyone effectively.


Our design focused on users, from interviews to testing. The app excelled with personalized recommendations, easy navigation, thematic tours, and historical context. Integration streamlined exploration. Design artifacts showcase our journey: research, flows, prototypes, and testing.


Research data
Competitive Analysis
User interviews


Affinity Map

User Personas


Site map
Task flows

User flows


Lo-Fi Wireframes



Usability Testing

Prioritization Matrix



Kickstarting our

Our research sought user needs and competitive insights. We analyzed institutions like the Met and Rijksmuseum for inspiration. Three 45-minute user interviews deeply informed our understanding of user requirements.

Competitive Research

Competitive Research


Setting the direction

In the Define stage of design thinking, we harnessed insights from user interviews to create an affinity map. This map unveiled recurring preferences and themes. With this information we crafted our personas.

Affinity map

Affinity map

Common themes

Need for clear guidance

Navigating big museums is tricky. Visitors get lost, feel déjà vu, and worry about missing important art.

Preference for Custom Experiences

Users with diverse interests and knowledge seek tailored museum experiences to optimize their time and prevent it from feeling wasted.

Time Management and Approach

Users stressed the significance of time management. In vast collections, they often get absorbed in the initial artworks and rush through the rest.

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Laura · The Curious Apprentice

Although Laura isn't fond of art museums, her appreciation for art flourishes when provided with audio guides or knowledgeable tours. She enjoys exploring the stories, events, and cultural influences behind the artwork.

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Carla · The Passionate Visitor

Carla, an architect student, has a profound passion for art and exploration, appreciating the artistic qualities of both disciplines. They value comprehensive visits, aiming to explore as much as possible.


Crafting the blueprint

Our focus on user needs led us to create essential features like personalized tours and interactive maps. We carefully designed sitemaps, user flows, and task flows for a smooth, user-centric experience.



Molding the visual style

We aimed for a classic museum vibe with deep burgundy for sophistication and bright red for buttons. This UI Kit is a handy tool for app developers, ensuring a consistent design when combined with our branding.

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Bringing it to life

We crafted Lo-Fi Wireframes, giving life to our digital vision. Precise wireframing ensured an intuitive user journey. In prototyping, our expertise animated pixels, making abstract concepts interactive experiences.

Lo-Fi Wireframes
Hi-Fi Wireframes



While testing our el Prado app, we did usability testing, used a prioritization matrix to decide where should we put our efforts, and iterated to enhance the user experience. Keeping it practical and effective!

User Testing

We tested the concept with 3 on-site users and 7 online users, gaining valuable insights to inform our iterative process based on a prioritization matrix.

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The Results

El Prado app impressed users in testing with easy navigation, personalized recommendations, and engaging content. Its seamless features, like custom tours, boost visitor engagement and art appreciation. Positive feedback validates its global museum experience revolution.

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