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About myself

Hey there! I'm Stella, a Spaniard enjoying life in Brussels. With only 24 hours a day, it's a challenge fitting in all my passions. I went from flamenco for 20+ years to now hilariously attempting k-pop dances and getting my groove on in twerk classes. My guitar and ukulele skills? Let's call them charmingly mediocre. Oh, and I sing too – but mostly in the shower. Naturally, I'm on the "I love traveling" train, because not hopping on would be bonkers. But hold on, I also have a thing for true crime podcasts. So, yeah, crazy's still on the menu!

This is me, doing one of the things that I like the most: sweating like a pro as a tourist in another country


Behold, my colleague and I, basking in conqueror vibes amidst the Luxembourg landscape

About my career

After embarking on an engineering degree, it hit me that it wasn't my groove. Mom chimed in with a "told you so" and suggested Graphic Design. Well, here I am.

After studies, I dove into an agency traineeship. My journey wound through photo editing at a newspaper and crafting client presentations at an architecture firm. Feeling the need for change and more ownership, I landed at Being the sole designer in Spain at a startup, I ignited countless ideas.

Then I joined the Design team in HQ, and with it came a pivotal discovery: UX/UI. A Sketch-powered project kindled my curiosity. Belgium-bound later on, as I wrapped up at, the stars aligned to pursue UX/UI studies.

As I delved into the world of user experience, I had an epiphany – it was the missing puzzle piece in my skill set. Now armed with this fresh expertise and a solid foundation in graphic design, I'm eagerly anticipating the chance to apply and integrate these strengths.


About my work colleague

Meet Ramen.

Degree? Zero.

Knowledge? Zilch.

Yet, Ramen pours his all into his work.

Some recommendations:

📺 Succession

🎵 麻痺 -Yama

🎥 Shrek

📖 Discworld: Small Gods

🎙️ Nadie Sabe Nada

🎮 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Let's have a chat!


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