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Streamlining Home Search with Personalized Accommodation Matching


UX/UI Designer  ·  Responsive website  ·  120 hours  ·  June 2023

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Okaeri revolutionizes home search, focusing on user preferences with a friendly interface, personalized profiles, and in-depth surveys. Early tests received praise for reliability, customization, and simplicity.


How can we create a system to match people with suitable homes based on lifestyle, simplifying the home-finding process?

Okaeri eases house-hunting stress by solving issues like unclear online listings, lack of transparency, and relocation hassles. It offers clear listings, convenience, and personalization through a chat-based system with profiles and questionnaires.


User-focused design guided its creation via polls, interviews, research, and competition analysis. The clean, friendly branding aligns with user preferences. User and task flows guarantee a smooth experience from signup to room requests.


Short Poll
User Interviews
Additional Research
Competitive Analysis


Affinity Map
User Personas


Card Sorting
Site Mapping
Task Flows
User Flows


Lo-Fi Wireframes


Usability Testing
Prioritisation Matrix


User Insights

In the empathize stage, we aimed to help users with their moving process. We surveyed and interviewed home seekers to understand their needs. Our approach evolved into a transparent house-hunting platform, informed by housing market research.

OKAERI Affinity Map.png



We conducted 5 interviews (30-45 mins each) to explore user experiences when moving to a new house. These interviews revealed key insights, prompting us to shift our focus to a new concept: a transparent housing website.

OKAERI Interview.png

Example of questions asked


Paving the path

In Define, user interviews shaped our focus. We distilled insights into actionable housing themes. Affinity mapping organized findings, revealing patterns that shaped our design.

Common themes

Decent & Affordable Apartments

Searching for a suitable and budget-friendly apartment can pose challenges. It involves finding housing options that meet quality standards while staying within budget constraints.

Accurate Online Representations

The property's true essence is often not fully captured by images, and minimal information is typically offered in house descriptions, which depend on the landlord.

Transparency and Competition

Housing market opacity can cause uncertainty for users. Comprehensive information for a fairer experience is demanded.

OKAERI Persona.png

Julieta · The Goal-Oriented Seeker

Julieta seeks compatible flatmates for an affordable, well-kept place near university and work. She aims to avoid constant repairs, overpaying, and long commutes. Challenges: tight budget and the effort to assess commute times.


Charting Journeys

We used methods like Card Sorting, Site Mapping, Task Flows, User Flows, and Branding to craft Okaeri's blueprints. A clear sitemap aids navigation; user flows enhance engagement. Task flows boost efficiency meticulously.

User Flow
OKAERI User flow.png
Molding the visual style

Our Okaeri brand combines approachability and boldness with a grid-based logo that radiates confidence and warmth. A calming blue palette symbolizes trust, and playful typography adds balance, encapsulating co-living's essence.

OKAERI Typo.png
OKAERI colors.png


Idea to Practice

We used Lo-Fi Wireframes as the foundation for Okaeri's housing focus. Our detailed wireframing process built upon the established image, breathing life into the skeletal designs for vibrant results.

Mid-Fi Wireframes
OKAERI Midfi.png
Hi-Fi Wireframes
OKAERI high fi.png


App to the test

I shared my work with colleagues and tested it with five experienced users in the accommodation field. Their feedback praised the design's reliability and readability, citing icons and emojis. They did request an interactive map and more questionnaire personalization options.

User Testing

We tested the concept with 5 users, gaining valuable insights to inform our iterative process based on a prioritization matrix.

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The Results

Early tests revealed positive feedback on reliability, customization, and usability. Adding an interactive map, more personalization, and detailed profiles increased satisfaction. Okaeri offers a stress-free way to find the ideal home.

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Let's have a chat!


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